A zero price movement by a security (the price for a zero tick). Put another way, it is the same...
The value of a tick size movement in a derivative's price. In other words, it is the smallest "permitted" change...
It stands for reduced tick spread; an interest rate futures calendar spread which involves buying near-month futures and selling far-month...
An interest rate futures calendar spread which involves buying near-month futures and selling far-month futures at a reduced tick interval...
The smallest or minimum price increment (tick) in which the prices of tradable securities (investments, stocks, bonds, futures, etc.) are...
The tick size for a security trading on an exchange that meets the criteria of effectiveness. It is a ratio...
A ratio that measures the effective tick size (tick size) for a security trading on an exchange. It is calculated...
The trading volume that occurs on downticks. In other words, it refers to the trading volume when stock prices decrease,...
A trade price that is lower than the immediately prior trade price. It constitutes a trade (tick) at a smaller...
A trade price that is lower than the immediately prior trade price. It constitutes a trade (tick) at a smaller...