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ST Structured Note

It stands for short-term structured note; a structured note whose maturity does not typically exceed 9-12 months (though at times,...

LT Structured Note

It stands for long-term structured note; a structured note whose maturity typically exceeds one year (though at times, it is...


It stands for long-term structured note; a structured note whose maturity typically exceeds one year (though at times, it is...

Long-Term Structured Note

A structured note whose maturity typically exceeds one year (though at times, it is more than three years). The note...


It stands for short-term structured note; a structured note whose maturity does not typically exceed 9-12 months (though at times,...

Short-Term Structured Note

A structured note whose maturity does not typically exceed 9-12 months (though at times, up to 2-3 years). The note...

Structured Note

A debt security that is issued by a financial institution on an underlying such as a single equity, equity indexes,...


It stands for expected to accrue return on nominal. One of the numerous names for corridor option. By definition, it...

Expected To Accrue Return On Nominal

One of the numerous names for corridor option. By definition, it is a path-dependent option that is typically embedded in...

Twin Range Accrual Note

A range note in which the coupon depends on the daily fixings of two underlying indexes (such as 3-month Euribor...