The volatility of a stock (a tradable stock) that is measured to quantify the likelihood of a change in its...
The ratio of the number of stocks in an index that have advanced (i.e., have positive performance) versus the number...
A market condition in which stocks are traded within a relatively flat range. That is, prices fluctuate around the average...
An investor or trader who flips stocks. This involves buying shares, usually in an initial public offering (IPO), and selling...
It is shortened form for cabinet trade; a transaction/ trade in an inactive security (bond, stock, etc.) These securities are...
A transaction/ trade in an inactive security (bond, stock, etc.) These securities are not traded often, and as such, there...
AÂ quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...
AÂ quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...
Another way of saying "buying, and then selling". Flipping involves buying shares, usually in an initial public offering (IPO), and selling them immediately...