Arabic (بيع وشرط) for “sale with a condition”. Technically, it refers to a sale contract (aqd al-ba'i) in which an...
The sale of a monetary amount (thaman or naqd) in exchange for another monetary amount (thaman or naqd). More specifically,...
The sale of a measurable, countable, or weighable commodity without determining its quantity, number of units, or weight. This usually...
Arabic (بيع البراءة) for sale on 'as is' basis. It is a contract of sale (ba’i), in which a person...
A valid condition, i.e., a contractual stipulation that is permissible (under shari'ah) and binding on the parties to the contract...
A condition / contractual stipulation that renders the contract (aqd) in which it was stipulated a defective contract (i.e., though...