The process of verification of the existence of illah and effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having...
The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective...
A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price...
Arabic (مثليات) for fungibles; items that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which are identical (in specifications/ features), and...
A type of sale (ba'i) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)...
Tawarruq is an Arabic word that literally means minted silver (al-wariq) or the act whereby some person seeks silver money....
A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of...
A type of murabaha (cost-plus sale) which is established on the basis of mark-up over the actual purchase price incurred...
A type of murabaha (cost-plus sale) in which the purchaser pays the agreed amount (price plus market-up) for the goods...
Arabic (بيع النسيئة) for a type of sale on credit (ba'i ajel) in which the price (thaman) is paid in...