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Arabic (مرابحة) for an Islamic mode of trading and financing which constitutes an absolute sale (ba'i mutlaq), i.e. the sale...

Ijarah Mosufah bil Zimmah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...


Arabic (مرابحة) for an Islamic mode of trading and financing which constitutes an absolute sale, i.e. the sale of “asset...


Arabic (مضارب) for the labor provider/ worker in a contract of mudaraba. Labor or work includes entrepreneurship, management, and investment...


It stands for ba'i bithaman ajil; a contract of sale (ba'i) in which goods are sold on a deferred payment...


An act of deception or cheating of a party to a contract by another party. This involves a misleading act...

Ba’i al-Muzayadah

A transaction that involves the sale (ba'i) of an asset in the open market based on the process of bidding...

Ba’i al-Tashreek

Arabic (بيع التشريك) for a special case of tawlia sale (ba'i al-tawliyah) in which the profit waiver on the underlying...

Rab-ul Mal

Arabic (رب المال) for the capital provider (provider of funds) in a contract of mudaraba. Rab-ul mal hands over mudaraba...

Mal Qimi

An Arabic term (مال قيمي) that translates non-fungible items of wealth or valuables (mal). Mal qimi is a category of...