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A general Arabic term (المال) that denotes wealth, property, money, funds, or any valuable things (intangibles included) that can be...


With respect to debts, hiwala refers to the transfer/ assignment of debt (dain, dayn) from one party (the transferor/ assignor,...

Net Assets Method of Zakah Base Determination

The zakah base (receptacle) is typically determined by an Islamic bank by applying 2.5% for a lunar calendar year or...

Mal Ghair Mutaqawwim

According to the Hanafi school of thought (mazhab), a category of mal that has no value from the perspective of...


An Arabic term (مساومة) that denotes bargaining sale. In Islamic finance, it refers to the selling of a commodity at...


A general Arabic term (مال) that denotes wealth, property, money, funds, or any valuable things (intangibles included) that can be...


Arabic (تكافل) for an Islamic concept and practice which draws its basics and rules from the two supreme sources of...

Takhrij al-Manat

The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective...


An Arabic term (خلابة) that literally translates as "misleading marketing". The seller, practicing khalabah, pursues unknowledgeable and unaware clients by...

Tahqeeq al-Manat

The process of verification of the existence of illah and effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having...