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Sharikat Ikhtiyar

Arabic (شركة اختيار) for a subset of sharikat al-mulk which represents a voluntary or optional general partnership that comes into...

Sharikat al-Sanai’e

Arabic (شركة الصنائع) for a type of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate...

Islamic Call

A shar'iah-compliant equivalent to conventional call option. The call option gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to buy...

Waqf Khairi

Arabic (وقف خيري) for charitable waqf; a type of waqf whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of...

Kafalah Muqayyadah

A guarantee/ guaranty/ suretyship (kafalah) that is restricted by description (e.g. deferred or current). It is permissible to restrict a...

Kafalah Mutlaqah

A mode of guarantee/ guaranty/ suretyship (kafalah) that is free from any condition whether in the form of deferment, acceleration,...

Ordinary Murabaha

A murabaha which involves two parties, a buyer and seller, where the former is a merchant by trade. The merchant...

Operating Ijarah

An ijarah contract that doesn't end up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties to the lessee. In other...

Kafalah Munajjazah

Arabic (كفالة منجزة) for immediate kafalah (a suretyship with immediate effect). It is a kafalah agreement that takes effect as...

Kafalah Mudhafah

Arabic (كفالة مضافة) for contingent suretyship or contingent guarantee/ guaranty. It is a kafalah agreement that becomes effective upon occurrence...