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Tandeed Haqiqi

The valuation of an asset on the basis of the proceeds of sale at the prevailing market price (i.e., through...

Tandheedh Haqiqi

The valuation of an asset on the basis of the proceeds of sale at the prevailing market price (i.e., through...

Al-Muhtaal Alaihi

Arabic (المحتال عليه) for the party accepting the debt (dayn/ dain- دين) liability that needs to be discharged or repaid...

Wadi’ah Yad Daman

A wadi’ah (deposit) in which the depositee (wade’e) is responsible to return its subject matter to the depositor (mude’e) whatsoever....

Qabdh Fe’eli

An Arabic term (قبض فعلي) that means taking actual possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of...

Qabdh Haqiqi

An Arabic term (قبض حقيقي) that means taking actual possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of...

Qabd Haqiqi

An Arabic term (قبض حقيقي) that means taking actual possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of...

Qabd Fe’eli

An Arabic term (قبض فعلي) that means taking actual possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of...

Zakah on Investment Funds

Fund management is not required to pay zakah on the assets of the fund unless if it is mandatory by...


Arabic (حيازة) for the holding or acquisition of an object, usually a commodity, asset, currency, etc, for a specified or...