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Country Risk Premium

The risk premium (additional return) that investors expects to earn from investing in a foreign country as a compensation for...

Parity Plus Basis

A part of the fair value of an option; an option value that includes, in addition to the intrinsic value,...

Multi-Beta CAPM

A capital asset pricing model (CAPM) which views risk as coming from several sources. More specifically, in this model, systematic...

Multi-Beta Capital Asset Pricing Model

A capital asset pricing model (CAPM) which views risk as coming from several sources. More specifically, in this model, systematic...

Market-Implied Risk Premium

A risk premium that is estimated from a company's total market capitalization, amount of earnings and reinvestment, and future earnings...

International MRP

A market risk premium (MRP) that takes into account the forces of capital market convergence and globalization. However, not all...

Convexity of an Option

An option has convexity because of the non-linear relationship between its value and the price of its underlying asset. The...

Convexity Risk Premium

The difference between the actual option premium and the option's estimated fair value. This difference arises because option sellers are...

Risk Adjustment

The adjustment/ premium (compensation or additional return) that is sought by risk-averse market participants for being exposed to the uncertainty,...

Risk Premium

The premium (compensation or additional return) that is sought by risk-averse market participants for being exposed to the uncertainty, engulfing,...