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Aggregate Risk

The risk that is inherent to the broader market. Aggregate risk, also known as undiversifiable risk, volatility risk, or market...

Systematic Risk

The risk that is inherent to the broader market. Systematic risk, also known as undiversifiable risk, volatility risk, or market...

Short Term IRS

An interest rate swap (IRS) whose maturity doesn’t exceed 2 years. A short-term interest rate swap (STIRS) involves the settlement…

Disinformation Risk Premium

An additional risk premium (RP) to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). This disinformation premium is part of the expected...


It stands for systematic risk premium; the risk premium for systematic risk. It is the risk premium against the overall...

CAPM Premium

An alternative term for systematic risk premium; the risk premium for systematic risk. It is the risk premium against the...

Systematic Risk Premium

The risk premium for systematic risk. It is the risk premium against the overall market risk, reflecting the additional compensation...

Future Repo Rate

A repo rate that communicates the market participants’ economic expectations. Put another way, it is a forward rate that reflects…

Short Term IRS

An interest rate swap (IRS) whose maturity doesn’t exceed 2 years. A short-term interest rate swaps (STIRS) involves the settlement…


It stands for country risk premium; the risk premium (additional return) that investors expects to earn from investing in a...