It stands for value at risk; a risk measure that summarizes in a single number the overall risk (value at...
A risk measure that summarizes in a single number the overall risk (value at risk) in a portfolio of financial...
A reality check in calculating VaR. It involves testing how well the VaR estimates would have performed in the past....
A type of wrong way risk (WWR) that comes into play because of general market risk factors (macroeconomic factors) affecting...
The risk that arises when income decreases due to changes in interest rates associated with changed maturity profile of interest-bearing...
The determination of the amount due for payment under a policy of insurance. Insurance adjustment denotes the determination of the...
The determination of the amount due for payment under a policy of insurance. Insurance adjustment denotes the determination of the...
In relation to underwriting in insurance, it is the successive up- and-down pattern that characterizes the property and casualty (P&C)...
In accounting, it is an insurance policy is issued by an insurance firm not related (i.e., not a related party)...
In connection with underwriting in insurance, it is the process undertaken by an insurer whereby it properly evaluates the risk...