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Bay’ Alkali bil Kali

A sale (bay‘) in which both payment and delivery are deferred. In other words, it is the sale of a…

Ba’i al-Isti’man

A case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes it as a given).…

Riba Ghair Mubashir

Arabic (ربا غير مباشر) for indirect riba. It is a type of riba that arises from the simultaneous exchange of…

Riba Mubashir

Arabic (ربا مباشر) for direct riba. It constitutes an increment that a lender receives over and above the principal amount…

Islamic Monetization

Originally known in Arabic as tawarruq, it is a transaction whereby a person buys an asset/commodity from a seller on…

Dha’a wa Ta’ajjal

An Islamic fiqh term that is associated with the process of sulh al-ibra’ or discharge reconciliation. The creditor party accepts…


An Arabic word that carries the meaning of pretext, ploy, ruse, alleged reason, means, and so on. In Arabic script,…

Penalty Clause

A clause in a commutative contract (aqd mu’awadhah) that stipulates that an agreed amount of money shall be paid to…

Shubhat al-Riba

Arabic (شبهة الربا) for potentiality of riba or suspicion of existing of riba in a transaction or dealing. In other…

Ba’i al-Muamalah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…