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Gross Rental Rate

The rental rate that includes all operating expenses associated with a lease (a gross lease/ full service lease) such as...

Full Service Rental Rate

The rental rate that includes all operating expenses associated with a lease (a full service lease) such as utilities, electricity,...

Net Rental Rate

A rental rate that excludes (is net of) specific expenses that a tenant could incur in relation to occupancy. In...


It stands for net effective rent; the actual rental rate a landlord would be able to obtain after deducting the...

Net Effective Rent

The actual rental rate a landlord would be able to obtain after deducting the value of concessions from the base...

Effective Rent

The actual rental rate a landlord would be able to obtain after deducting the value of concessions from the base...

Weighted Average Rental Rates

Rental rates that are calculated as an average of the amount of space available in each building per market area....

Rental Reversion

A jargon term for change in rents upon lease renewal, particularly reflecting the estimated increase (or decrease) in a property's...


A jargon term for change in rents upon lease renewal, particularly reflecting the estimated increase (or decrease) in a property's...

Deemed Rent

The rent which a landlord/ owner is presumed to earn from a self-occupied property (SOP)- that is, in a situation...