An accumulator option in which the payoff depends on the spot price being above or below the predetermined trigger. Each...
An option that pays off a fixed amount at expiration date exclusively if the price of its underlying remains within...
An option in which the holder has the right to receive a payoff reflected in a range, or the difference...
It stands for range knock-out floating rate note; a structured note (a floating-rate note) that provides the holder with higher...
A structured note (a floating-rate note) that provides the holder with higher interest payment (coupons) than an ordinary floating rate...
A floating-rate note (floater) in which the coupon is determined entirely or to a large extent by an embedded range...
A range option that pays out at expiration an amount that is based on how many of its four defined...
A variant of range option which was developed by the Swiss Banking Corporation. It could have also be given another...
An option that accrues in value (payoff) for each day that the reference index rate remains within a specified range...
An exotic barrier option (specifically a double no-touch option) which has an upper barrier and a lower barrier that both...