An amount that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in addition to unearned premiums in connection...
An amount (provision or reserve) that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in addition to unearned...
It stands for unexpired risk provision; an amount that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in...
An amount that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in addition to unearned premiums in connection...
A charge that an Islamic bank makes against earnings. In other words, it is a contra-asset that is created by…
A type of provision in an Islamic bank that is set aside to reflect a potential loss that may arise…
An acronym for provision for credit losses; a provision that is created (set aside) by an entity, as an amount...
A provision that is created (set aside) by an entity, as an amount deducted from income, to adjust its loan...
A feature which is attached to a callable bond giving the issuer the right to purchase back the bond at...
A call provision in which the issuer can exercise the call right only if the underlying stock rises above a...