The interest rate which is set and used by banks and financial institutions as a basis for determining their lending...
A warrant whose ultimate payoff or redemption value is likely to be determined based on the results of an election.…
A variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after a predetermined date; before this date the…
It stands for exchangeable variable rate note; a variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after…
The short-term interest rate that is charged by banks to their most creditworthy, financially sound customers, i.e. customers who have...
An interest rate cap whose reference rate (underlying interest rate) is linked to the prime rate- i.e., the interest rate...
An interest rate swap that has two legs: 1) LIBOR-pay, prime-receive and 2) prime-pay, LIBOR receive. In other words, the...
The short-term interest rate that is charged by banks to their most creditworthy, financially sound customers, i.e. customers who have...
The interest rate which is set and used by banks and financial institutions as a basis for determining their lending...
A loan whose interest rate payments change over the life of the loan. Typically, the floating interest rate is tied...