A form of volume-weighted average price (VWAP) in which all orders filled over the entire trading day are considered in the...
A form of volume-weighted average price (VWAP) that relates the dollar volume traded to the corresponding volume over the period of...
The process of filling (or executing) an order at a better price than the best market bid and offer (e.g.,...
The rate which results from a cash/futures arbitrage. More specifically, it is the rate of return that an investor can...
The price that an entity would receive in exchange for the sale/ disposal of an asset or would pay to...
A transaction that assumes there will be adequate market exposure that would allow market participants to gain sufficient knowledge about...
It stands for current replacement cost; the amount for which an asset could be replaced with another that has identical...
The amount for which an asset could be replaced with another that has identical service potential (useful life, features, etc.)....
The amount for which an asset could be sold as of a given date in an arm's length transaction. Differently...
The stated price (flat price) of a bond in a quote sheet plus accrued interest. In other words, it represents the present value...