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Price Risk

The risk that arises from unfavorable changes in the price of an asset/ investment. It may also involve the risk...

Market Conversion Price

The implicit price which has been paid to purchase a common stock indirectly by holding a convertible bond. This price...


"Price" has different meanings across different contexts. In general, it is defined as the monetary amount that is charged, or...

Bid Price

The amount that an entity or broadly a market participant is willing to pay as a consideration for purchasing an...

Past Settlement Value

The past exit price for a liability. It is the price (exit price) that an entity paid or would have...

Past Settlement Amount

The past exit price for a liability. It is the price (exit price) that an entity paid or would have...

Past Exit Price for a Liability

A past exit price for a liability is the price (exit price) that an entity paid or would have paid...

Past Exit Price for an Asset

A past exit price for an asset that excludes any disposal costs relating to the asset such as broker fees/...

Past Selling Price

A past exit price for an asset that excludes any disposal costs relating to the asset such as broker fees/...

Current Entry Price

The price (entry price) that would be paid to buy an asset or transfer a liability in an orderly transaction...