An instrument (or an account) that is held by an investor/ investment accountholder (e.g., depositor of funds) under a profit...
A type of contractual arrangement entailing that the parties share profits/ losses and/ or residual interest in the net assets...
A partnership mode of Islamic finance in which partners contribute equal or unequal ratios of capital, management skills, goodwill or...
A murabaha-based, short-term placement operation that involves the the purchase and sale of commodities in the international exchanges. Islamic banks...
A type of partnership (musharaka or sharika) which holds all participating parties at equal footing in terms of funds contributed,...
In Arabic (شركة العقد)- sharikat al-aqd- a type of sharikah (partnership) that is formed by means of mutual agreement between...
Arabic (شركة) for “a partnership or company”; an agreement between two or more parties whereby their assets or funds are...
Arabic (شركة الوجوه) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (liability partnership or receivables partnership) that constitutes a contract between two...
Arabic (شركة الوجوه) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (liability partnership or receivables partnership) that constitutes a contract between two...
Arabic (شركة المفاوضة) for a subset of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) that constitutes a contract between two or more persons...