A synthetic forward with a single barrier knock-in short option. By definition, a synthetic forward consists of buying a call...
A barrier option which has barriers both above and below the current underlying price that widen or narrow in steps...
A double barrier option in which the underlying consists of two assets. The option’s double barrier (upper and lower barriers-...
A commodity option that gives the holder the right either to buy (call) or sell (put) the underlying asset, but...
An embedded option that is sold by a firm to derivatives dealers in order to realize cash out of it...
A long position in a synthetic option. In other words, a position whose payoff (and generally risk-and-reward profile) replicates that...
A gut iron butterfly which is established by buying one call at the lowest exercise price, selling one call and...
A neutral (risk-limited and reward-limited) option trading strategy which builds on the long butterfly strategy, and whereby a long butterfly...
A calendar straddle (horizontal straddle) that is designed to profit as the underlying is believed to stay stagnant over a...
A non-standard option (non-vanilla option) in which the premium is paid monthly or quarterly over its life. Furthermore, this option...