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Put Option

A put option (put) that is not tradable- but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its holder...

Multiple Barrier No Touch Option

A multi-barrier option that comes with a no touch feature. It is a barrier option that has two barriers (and...

Thinly Traded Option

An option that only a few market participants would be willing to trade at specific strike prices and expiration dates...

Option Sweep

A market order that constitutes a large option purchase transaction entered into by an institution. The aim is to execute...

Call Option Feature

In general context, a call option (or simply a call) is a feature embedded in an instrument, security, or product...

Double Diagonal Spread

A four-legged option trading strategy that involves buying a back-month out-of-the-money put option with the lowest strike price, selling a...

In-The-Money Put Option

A put option with a strike price being above the combined amount of its underlying’s market price and the premium,...

At-The-Money Put Option

An at-the-money option (put option) in which the strike price is equivalent or approximately equal to the underlying asset's price....


An at-the-money option (put option) in which the strike price is equivalent or approximately equal to the underlying asset's price....

In-The-Money Put

A put option with a strike price being above the combined amount of its underlying’s market price and the premium,...