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Binary Put Option

A put option (put) in which the payoff is either a fixed amount for an in-the-money option (ITM option) or...

Digital Put

A put option (put) whose payoff is determined as a fixed amount of a particular monetary or financial asset (if the...

Digital Put Option

A put option (put) whose payoff is determined as a fixed amount of a particular monetary or financial asset (if the...

Gap Put Option

A gap option (specifically, a binary put option/ digital put option) that has a stated strike price different from its...

All-or-Nothing Call Option

A call option (call) in which the payoff is either a fixed amount for an in-the-money option (ITM option) or...

Binary Call Option

A call option (call) in which the payoff is either a fixed amount for an in-the-money option (ITM option) or...

Gap Call

A gap option (specifically, a binary call option/ digital call option) that has a stated strike price different from its...

Gap Call Option

A gap option (specifically, a binary call option/ digital call option) that has a stated strike price different from its...


In general context, a call option (or simply a call) is a feature embedded in an instrument, security, or product...

Property Option

An option (belonging to the broader category of property derivatives) that has a real estate price or index as underlying....