A barrier option which will be knocked out or deactivated if the outstirke barrier has been hit or touched three times during the option's life....
A structured product (specifically a target redemption note) which consists of a strip of forwards each of which has its payout as the difference between...
First crafted by Société Générale in 1998, mountain range options are a line of option products, which constitutes path-dependent options whose...
AÂ mountain range option in which some of the best and worst performing stocks are trimmed from the basket of underlying...
A vanilla option which entitles its holder to receive a large coupon payment if the underlying asset/ security never reaches its strike...
It is defined as positions which are taken in complex options that virtually impose no risk or a limited deal of risk such as long option, long...
It stands for limited-risk options, i.e., positions which are taken in complex options that virtually impose no risk or a limited deal of risk such as long option, long...
An instrument or security whose performance depends at least on two different currencies (i.e., two different markets: domestic and foreign)....
A swaption (swap option) in which the strike price of the option is higher than the forward rate (in the swap). This out-of-the-money option (in...
It stands for out-of-the-money swaption; a swaption (swap option) in which the strike price of the option is higher than the forward rate (in...