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IV of an Option

Generally, it is the effective monetary advantage which would be obtained when an option is immediately exercised. In call options,...

Carry Rho

In essence, rho is the partial derivative of the option value with respect to the interest rate. Carry rho is...

Time Value of Option

The portion of an option's value that is almost entirely attributed to the time left to maturity. It equals an...

Vanilla Greeks

A vanilla Greek is a first-order derivative of the option value with respect to some variable such as underlying’s price, volatility, interest...


The absolute change in option price in response to a percentage point change in volatility. Tau is used by traders...

3rd Order Greeks

A third-order greek is a third-order derivative of the option value with respect to some variable. Equivalently, it is the...

Forward Intrinsic Value

An option value that includes, in addition to the intrinsic value, the fair value of the forward underlying the option...

Option Time Value

Also known as extrinsic or instrumental value, it is the portion left of the option value (the price) when its...

FV Premium

It stands for fair value premium; according to the Black-Scholes model, it refers to the premium which makes both the...


A measure (first-order greek) of the rate of change in the value of an option with respect to the passage...