A compound option which enables the holder to lock into a range of an asset price or interest rate (or...
Also known as extrinsic or instrumental value, it is the portion left of the option value (the price) when its...
The sensitivity of an option's price (premium) to changes in the spot market. The spot delta tells how many units...
A measure that captures the premium difference between the value of an option calculated using the smile volatility and its...
An option has convexity because of the non-linear relationship between its value and the price of its underlying asset. The...
The effect of change in one variable pertaining to an option, (particularly the out-of-the-money options/ OTM options) where the output...
The difference between the actual option premium and the option's estimated fair value. This difference arises because option sellers are...
A cancellable swap in which the fixed-rate receiver/ floating-rate payer has the right, but not the obligation, to terminate the...
A kind of path-dependent option whose payoff is equal to the difference between the average underlying price during the time...
A European option contract which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell an underlying asset at...