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Range KO FRN

It stands for range knock-out floating rate note; a structured note (a floating-rate note) that provides the holder with higher...

Range Knock-Out Floating Rate Note

A structured note (a floating-rate note) that provides the holder with higher interest payment (coupons) than an ordinary floating rate...

Range Floating Rate Note

A floating-rate note (floater) in which the coupon is determined entirely or to a large extent by an embedded range...

Ratchet FRN

A structured note (FRN) that pays a floating interest rate referenced to a popular market rate such as LIBOR. Each...

One-Way FRN

A floating-rate note (FRN) in which coupon payments are subject to a floor set at the preceding coupon payment and...

One-Way FRN

A structured note (floating rate note/ FRN) that pays a floating interest rate referenced to a popular market rate such...

One-Way Floating Rate Note

A structured note (floating rate note) that pays a floating interest rate referenced to a popular market rate such as...

Ratchet Floating Rate Note

A structured note (FRN) that pays a floating interest rate referenced to a popular market rate such as LIBOR. Each...

Puttable Floating Rate Note

A floating rate note that can be given back to the issuer by the holder at put price before maturity...

Corridor Floater

A floater (FRN) in which a higher coupon is paid should a particular reference rate is within a specific range...