A trader or investor who sells a covered or naked option to the effect that the buyer is being delivered…
An option spread in which the short option leg is margined separately as a naked option. Investors choose this setting…
A trading strategy that involves the use of excess margin or "buying power", in a successful speculative endeavor, in order...
The act of selling a covered or naked option by someone, whether an individual or institution, to the effect that...
An unhedged option strategy which exclusively follows one of two basic strategies: short call (selling or writing call options) and...
A put option which confers on the holder the right to buy the underlying stock at a price below the...
An option whose buyer or seller has no position in the underlying security. It is a short call or short...
An option strategy which is established by taking a short position in an underlying not currently owned by the position...
A naked option is an option that is not covered with an offsetting position in the underlying. In other words,...