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Participatory Investment Instrument

An instrument (or an account) that is held by an investor/ investment accountholder (e.g., depositor of funds) under a profit...

Participatory Structure

A type of contractual arrangement entailing that the parties share profits/ losses and/ or residual interest in the net assets...


It is a form of musharaka in which the Islamic bank or financial institution owns shares or units representing an…

Participation Sukuk

A type of musharaka sukuk that represent certificates of equal value (sukuk) issued for the purpose of investing the funds…

Running Musharaka

A type of musharaka that employs the concept of running finance (RF); it is an alternative to running finance that…


A partnership mode of Islamic finance in which partners contribute equal or unequal ratios of capital, management skills, goodwill or...

Running Musharaka

A type of musharaka that employs the concept of running finance (RF); it is an alternative to running finance that is based on the...

Sharikat ul-A’mal

A type of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate and work together for...

Sharikat al-Milk

Another popular spelling for sharikat al-mulk; a type of partnership (sharikah/ sharika) which basically involves joint ownership (mulk in Arabic)...

Musharaka Sukuk

Certificates of equal value (sukuk) that are issued for the purpose of investing the mobilized funds of musharaka for establishing...