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Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...

Restricted Mudaraba

Originally taken from Arabic "mudaraba muqayyada" ; a mudaraba contract that is used in conjunction with restricted investment accounts (RIAs),...


Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...


Arabic (مضارب) for the labor provider/ worker in a contract of mudaraba. Labor or work includes entrepreneurship, management, and investment...

Rab-ul Mal

Arabic (رب المال) for the capital provider (provider of funds) in a contract of mudaraba. Rab-ul mal hands over mudaraba...

Rab al-Mal

Arabic (رب المال) for the capital provider (provider of funds) in a contract of mudaraba. Rab al-mal hands over mudaraba...

Mudaraba Mutlaqa

An Arabic term that denotes unrestricted mudaraba; a mudaraba contract which is related to investment accounts in which the account...

Wakalah bil-Istithmar

A method (Arabic for وكالة الاستثمار) whereby Islamic financial institutions manage funds on behalf of their customers. This involves providing...


One of the essential modes of profit/ loss-sharing in Islamic finance, which is based on the concurrence of capital providers...

Wakalat al-Istithmar

A method (Arabic for وكالة الاستثمار) whereby Islamic financial institutions manage funds on behalf of their customers. This involves providing...