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Mudaraba Sukuk

A subclass of musharaka sukuk. Mudaraba sukuk are, by definition, certificates that represent ownership in projects or activities managed on…

Mudarabah Capital

The capital that is provided by rab al-mal in a mudarabah contract. Put another way, it is the amount of…


Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...

Negligence by the Mudarib

The mudarib’s (mudharib’s) laxity that results in his nonfulfillment of his duties under the contract of mudharaba/ mudaraba (aqd al-mudharaba/…

Qirad Sukuk

A form of musharaka sukuk that is structured based on the contract of muqaradah (mudaraba), whereby the capital (ras al-mal) is…

Pre-arranged Tawarruq

A form of tawarruq (Islamic monetization) which is sought per se as a mode of investment or financing, rather than…


Arabic (المضارب) for the labor provider/ worker in a contract of mudaraba. Labor or work includes entrepreneurship, management, and investment...


An essentially noncommutative contract that is used to secure a commutative contract (such as a sale contract/aqd al-ba’i) or obligations…

Capital Provider

The provider of funds in a contract of mudaraba. The capital provider (in Arabic rab al-mal) hands over mudaraba capital…

Simple Mudaraba

A type of mudaraba (مضاربة) that involves a bilateral relationship between one worker (mudarib) and one provider of funds (rab...