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Dayn Mushtarak

Arabic (دين مشترك) for debt (dayn) that arises from one transaction or engagement whereby it is owed to two or…

Dain Ghair Sahih

Arabic (دين غير صحيح) for debt (dain) that may be waived in different means that are not confined to repayment…

Dain Thabit

Arabic (دين ثابت) for debt (dain) that is collectible- i.e., one whose repayment is comfortably certain. The creditor expects with…

Dayn Muwathaq

Arabic (دين موثق) for debt (dayn) that is backed by an asset (collateral or rahn) owned by the debtor (madeen)…

Dayn Marju

Arabic (دين مرجو) for debt (dayn) that is collectible- i.e., one whose repayment is comfortably certain. The creditor expects with…

Dain Mustaqir

Arabic (دين مستقر) for debt (dain) that represents an established liability on a debtor (madeen). In other words, payment or…

Dain Mushtarak

Arabic (دين مشترك) for debt (dain) that arises from one transaction or engagement whereby it is owed to two or…

Dain Marju al-Ada’

Arabic (دين مرجو الأداء) for debt (dain) that is collectible- i.e., one whose repayment is comfortably certain. The creditor expects…

Dain Marju

Arabic (دين مرجو) for debt (dain) that is collectible- i.e., one whose repayment is comfortably certain. The creditor expects with…


Arabic (غارم) for a debtor (madeen- مدين) who is not financially able to settle or repay his debt (dayn or...