Liquidity – Fincyclopedia
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Short-Term Liquidity Risk

The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the short run. It represents the risk arising from a...

Structural Liquidity Risk

The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the long run. It covers the risk associated with positions...

Long-Term Liquidity Risk

The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the long run. It covers the risk associated with positions...

Liquidity Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a market risk) that arises from inability to find a market for assets (such as...

Liquid Assets

An asset that constitutes the most readily available form of monetary assets (i.e., cash or cash equivalents) or any types...

Liquidity Buffer

A liquidity measure that represents banks’ stock or holdings of liquid assets, (known as systemically liquid assets, SLAs) such as...

Liquidity-Related Tool

A type of macroprudential instrument (macroprudential tool) that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements...

Liquidity-Based Instrument

A type of macroprudential instrument that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements (reserve requirements)...

Liquidity-Based Measure

A type of macroprudential instrument that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements (reserve requirements)...

Liquidity-Linked MPI

It stands for liquidity-based microprudential and macroprudential instruments; a type of microprudential and macroprudential instruments (MPIs) that impacts a bank's...