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Quick Ratio

A liquidity ratio that expresses the ability of a company to meet its current obligations. It is a measure of…

Acid Test Ratio

A liquidity ratio that expresses the ability of a company to meet its current obligations. It is a measure of…

Mid-Point Liquidity

A market liquidity that is provided by trades/ orders executed, or to be executed, at the mid-point. Mid-point liquidity is...

Liquidity Aggregation

The process of building a deep pool of tradable securities/ assets from which quotes are streamed directly to a trader...

Liquidity Aggregation Exchange

A platform where market liquidity (for a specific type of products or instruments such as FX, commodities, precious metals, etc.)...

Liquidity Aggregation Venue

A platform where market liquidity (for a specific type of products or instruments such as FX, commodities, precious metals, etc.)...

Accounting Liquidity

The ease and quickness with which non-monetary assets (generally, all types of assets excluding monetary assets) can be converted to...


A sell-side trader who sells exchange services to buy-side firms (such as investment managers and institutional investors) in return for…

Continuous Crossing Model

A matching model for crossing networks whereby orders are continuously executed whenever there is a matching order in the market.…

Continuous Crossing Pool

A type of dark pools whereby orders are continuously executed whenever there is a matching order in the market. In…