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Ba’i Najiz

Arabic (بيع ناجز) for a sale (ba'i) in which the price of the object of sale or underlying is paid...

Asset-Light Sukuk

A sukuk structure that involves intangible assets as underlying, or in which the requirement of tangible assets is minimal. Companies that do not have much fixed...

Aqd Mawquf

A contract (aqd) which is contingent on a specified event or action. More specifically, aqd mawquf becomes effective only if...


Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam (in addition to shahada- i.e., pronounced and believed-in faith, prayer, fasting,...


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam (in addition to shahada- i.e., pronounced and believed-in faith, prayer, fasting,...

Waqf al-Zakah

Zakah, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...

Waqf al-Zakat

Zakat, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...


In Islamic finance, wa'ad, or promise, refers to an obligation issued by one counterparty, such as a potential purchaser or purchase...

Zakat al-Waqf

Zakat, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...

Ba’i al-Ayn bil Ayn

A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of exchange (i.e.,...