Arabic (قياس) for one of the secondary sources of shari'a which involves likening a case for which there is an...
Arabic (مقاصد الشريعة) for the higher purposes of Islamic shari'ah or simply for objectives of shari'ah. Maqasid al-shari'ah constitute the...
An Arabic term (قبض Øكمي) that denotes constructive possession; a method of taking possession of an asset (commodity, currency, etc)...
An Arabic term (قبض) that means taking possession of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of money, a...
A murabaha transaction whereby the Islamic bank (murabaha seller) purchases an asset/ commodity, upon the request of a customer (purchase...
An Arabic term (قبض Øكمي) that denotes constructive possession; a method of taking possession of an asset (commodity, currency, etc)...
An Arabic term (قبض) that denotes "taking possession" or receipt of an object of sale or exchange, an amount of...
Another name for mudaraba (mudarabah/ mudharaba/ mudharabah); by definition, it is a partnership (sharakah) in profit whereby one party (rab...
With respect to unrestricted investment account (URIA) holders, it is the risk facing an Islamic bank or financial institution (IFI)...
Originally taken from Arabic "mudaraba muqayyada" ; a mudaraba contract that is used in conjunction with restricted investment accounts (RIAs),...