It stands for internal rate of return; the money-weighted return (MWR) that causes the beginning value and intermediate cash flows...
The money-weighted return (MWR) that causes the beginning value and intermediate cash flows to grow to the ending value. It...
In the context of private equity fund investments, limited partners contribute capital to funds that diversify globally, rather than confine...
The expected change per unit of time in an asset price. For example, the drift of a stock price for...
A private equity fund which mainly target financially troubled companies. More specifically, a distressed investment fund takes positions in the...
A return multiple that is used to assess the investment performance of a private equity fund. It is a ratio...
It stands for distributed value to paid in ratio: a return multiple that is used to assess the investment performance...
A bold mission statement designed to spur and stimulate progress and achievement such as “being the company no. 1 in...
A notification that is sent by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to a company to call off its initial...
It stands for big hairy audacious goal. It is a bold mission statement designed to spur and stimulate progress and...