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Takhreej al-Manat

The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective...


A shari'a description of (and ruling or hukm on) an act or conduct which a Muslim has to avoid or...


A shari'a description of (and ruling or hukm on) an act or conduct which a Muslim has to avoid or...


Arabic (ندب) for the shari'ah effect of recommending an act or way of conduct for Muslims. In other words, it...

Hukm Shar’i

Arabic (حكم شرعي) for a shari'ah ruling (hukm) that relates to the acts and conduct of Muslims as to their...


A legal or shari'a injunction that relates to the actions of individuals. Hukm (also spelled hukum), plural: ahkam, is usually...


A shari’a classification of hukum (or hukm) which includes all virtuous , recommended, or desirable actions whose fulfillment is rewarded...


Plural of hukm or hukum; a legal or shari'a injunction that relates to the actions of individuals. Hukm is usually classified into different...