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Multi-Asset Sensitivities

A special type of greeks or option sensitivities that express the cross effects between the underlying assets (cross gamma) and...


The absolute change in option price in response to a percentage point change in volatility. Kappa is used by traders...

Cross Speed

An option sensitivity (literally a cross Greek) that measures the rate of change of gamma in one underlying (of a...


A third-order greek that measures the sensitivity of the option vomma (volga) in response to a change in volatility. It...


A third-order greek that measures the sensitivity of the option vomma (volga) in response to a change in volatility. It...


A third-order greek that measures the sensitivity of the option vomma (volga) in response to a change in volatility. It...

Cross Zomma

An option sensitivity (literally a cross Greek) that measures the rate of change of gamma in one underlying (of a...


It generally denotes volatility expressed or represented as a percentage. For example, "one sigma level" refers to the real change...


The rate of change in price of a derivative with respect to a change in the risk-free rate. This “Greek”...


A third-order greek that measures the rate of change in the option gamma in response to a change in the...