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Fixed-To-Floating Interest Rate Swap

A basic interest rate swap whereby a fixed rate is paid for a floating rate in the same currency. In...

Tax-Exempt Swaption

An option on a municipal swap, such as BMA fixed/ floating swaps, in which the floating leg payments are based...

Coupon-Currency Swap

An interest rate swap in which both counterparties pay fixed rate in their respective currencies. It is a type of...

Coupon Swap

An ordinary fixed-floating interest rate swap. In this swap, one party pays the fixed rate and the other pays the...

Dual Coupon Swap

A fixed-for-floating interest rate swap which comprises a call option granting one counterparty the right to make periodic payments in...

Money Market Swap

A interest rate swap (typically, a fixed-floating swap) the expiration or termination dates of which follow the cycle of international...

Turbo Swap

An interest rate swap (fixed for floating rate swap) in which the floating rate is calculated by raising the LIBOR...

Fixed-Floating Swap

A basic interest rate swap whereby a fixed rate is paid for a floating rate in the same currency. In...