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Capital Protected Product

A structured product that does provide full, or at least partial, capital protection. The holder is guaranteed that the initial...

Volatility Spillover

The transfer/ transmission of volatility or instability from a market to another market, or from a sector to another. It...


The sale or disposal of an asset. Divesture takes place when a company (or any form of going concern) sells off…

Fixed-Income Instrument

For an issuer, a fixed-income instrument is a form of debt that it is obliged to service (in terms of...


The sale or disposal of an asset. Divestiture takes place when a company (or any form of going concern) sells…

Abnormal Returns

The portion of return that is not attributed to systematic influences and conditions. Instead, abnormal returns are typically the result…

Bearer Instrument

A negotiable instrument that is payable to bearer or to “cash”, rather than to an identifiable payee. The bearer is…

Collateralized Debt Obligation Tranche

The tranche of a CDO (collateralized debt obligation) that has its own risk characteristics and loss-absorption priority (seniority). There are...

Non-Callable FRN

A floater (floating rate note, FRN) that is not callable (as opposed to a callable floater). In other words, it...

Non-Callable Floating Rate Note

A floater (floating rate note, FRN) that is not callable (as opposed to a callable floater). In other words, it...