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Vanilla Convertible Debt

A convertible debt structure that has standard characteristics that make it the basic (plain vanilla) form amongst other structure. These...

Plain Vanilla

The simplest or standard or basic form of an asset/ financial instrument/ investment/ security/ structure. Examples include plain vanilla bonds,...

Plain Vanilla Convertible Debt

A convertible debt structure that has standard characteristics that make it the basic (plain vanilla) form amongst other structure. These...

Convertible Debt

A type of debt (financing) that can be converted equity shares of the issuer at or after a certain time...

Debenture Stock

A stock that represents a loan certificate issued by an entity reflecting an underlying obligation to pay back borrowed funds...

Preference Share

A class of shares that come with certain rights distinguishing them from holders of common shares. Preference shares are a...

Preferred Stock

A class of stock that come with certain rights distinguishing them from holders of common stocks. Preferred stocks are a...

Preferred Share

A class of shares that come with certain rights distinguishing them from holders of common shares. Preferred shares are a...

Ordinary Share

A unit of ownership of a publicly held company (public corporation). It is a security issued by an entity representing...

Debt Financing

A type of capital that is financed by borrowed funds (debt). It is a form of financing that allows an...