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Conditional Call

An option (here a call) that allows the holder of a callable bond (which is also a convertible bond) to...

Conditional Call Option

An option (here a call option) that allows the holder of a callable bond (which is also a convertible bond)...

Duration Gap

A measure of the mismatch between assets and liabilities. By definition, it is the weighted duration of assets minus the product of the...

Soft Call Convertible Bond

A convertible bond (CB) that can be called by the issuer any time over its life (time to maturity) or any time after a...

Conditionally Callable Convertible Bond

A convertible bond (CB) that can be called by the issuer any time over its life (time to maturity) or any time after a...

Cash Leverage

A type of leverage that is made up of borrowed funds such as loans, credit facilities, bond issuances, etc. Cash-producing leverage can be defined as...


The practice of issuing an employee stock option on a date preceding the actual date of grant. This usually occurs...

Value To The Business

An asset evaluation method that builds on the assumption that the value of an asset can be measured in terms...

Value To The Owner

An asset evaluation method that builds on the assumption that the value of an asset can be measured in terms...

Deprival Value

It is often known as value to the owner or value to the business. By definition, it is an asset...