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PECS Basis

The difference between the CDS spread and par equivalent CDS spread: PECS basis = CDS spread - PECS It captures...

Event Risk

The danger (risk) that some unexpected event will take place and increase the credit risk of an issuer, hence badly...

Flip-Flop Floating-Rate Note

A floater (floating-rate note) that gives the bondholder the right to convert a note with a long maturity date or...

Flip-Flop Bond

A bond that has an embedded option that allows investors to switch between two types of securities. For instance, an...

Flip-Flop Floater

A floater (floating-rate note) that gives the bondholder the right to convert a note with a long maturity date or...

Bullet Security

A fixed-income security (usually a bond) that has no early redemption features (callability or embedded call option). Bullet securities (bullets)...

Capped Floating-Rate Note

A floating-rate note (FRN) in which coupon rates (coupon reset rates) are subject to an upper limit. Like standard FRNs,...

Perpetual FRN

A floater (floating-rate note/ FRN) whose principal never matures, i.e., it doesn't have a redemption payment and only makes perpetual...

Simply Compounded

The interest rate is said to be simply compounded (simple compounding) if it is paid at the end of the...

Coupon Clipping

The removal of interest coupons attached to a bearer bond so that the bearer might submit them to a bank...