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Diversified Value at Risk

A value at risk (VaR) that measures the amount of loss a diversified portfolio stands to make under certain conditions...

Diversified VaR

A value at risk (VaR) that measures the amount of loss a diversified portfolio stands to make under certain conditions...

Traded VaR

A measure of risk (value at risk, VaR) that represents the volatility to positions, investments, assets, liabilities or commitments comprising...

Traded Value at Risk

A measure of risk (value at risk, VaR) that represents the volatility to positions, investments, assets, liabilities or commitments comprising...

Non-Traded Value at Risk

A measure of risk (value at risk, VaR) that represents the volatility to capital driven by the fair value through...

Balance Sheet Risk

The risk (market risk) that affects the value of assets or liabilities outside the trading book (of an entity, e.g.,...

Non-Traded VaR

A measure of risk (value at risk, VaR) that represents the volatility to capital driven by the fair value through...

Non-Traded Market Risk

The risk (market risk) that affects the value of assets or liabilities outside the trading book (of an entity, e.g.,...

Future Profit in an Insurance Contract

The insurance service result which represents the profit earned from providing insurance coverage. It is the excess of the insurance...

Diversifiable Risk

An element of risk (specifically, price risk) that is diversifiable (by means of diversification)- i.e., major part of which can...