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Fair Value

The price at which an asset or service is paid by a willing buyer to a willing seller under normal...

Measurement Date

The date at which the value of an asset/ a liability (or broadly, an item) is determined taking into consideration...

FV Premium

It stands for fair value premium; according to the Black-Scholes model, it refers to the premium which makes both the...

Distress Sale

The sale of assets, such as inventory items, securities and property, in a hurry and typically at a loss (at...

Distressed Sale

The sale of assets, such as inventory items, securities and property, in a hurry and typically at a loss (at...

Fair Value Premium

According to the Black-Scholes model, it refers to the premium which makes both the option seller and buyer break even....

Convexity of an Option

An option has convexity because of the non-linear relationship between its value and the price of its underlying asset. The...

Convexity Risk Premium

The difference between the actual option premium and the option's estimated fair value. This difference arises because option sellers are...


It stands for market risk premium; in accounting, market risk premium basically has two distinct meanings: "market risk" premium and...

Market Risk Premium

In accounting, market risk premium basically has two distinct meanings: "market risk" premium and market "risk premium". A "market risk"...