An option which has more than one asset as underlying. The payoff of the option depends on the performance of...
A barrier option whose barrier has non-standard (exotic) features. Examples of exotic barrier options include: digital barrier options, step barrier...
A category of options which trade over the counter and have unusual features including complicated components and complex payoffs. They...
An exotic option that allows the holder to buy or sell an underlying asset at the best possible price that...
It stands for target redemption option; an exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of...
It stands for target redemption option; an exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of...
An exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of payments up to a maximum total...
A breed of options that bear non-standard features/ elements, as opposed to vanilla options (plain vanilla options). These features/ elements...
A breed of options that bear non-standard features/ elements, as opposed to vanilla options (plain vanilla options). These features/ elements...
A path-dependent option that is a theoretical (as yet) extension of a lookback option. The option's payoff is based on...