A quanto option in which the terminal payoff is denominated in a foreign currency, instead of the domestic one (the...
An exotic option that has the ratio of two assets as underlying. The payoff of the option is based on...
An option that doesn't conform to the standard specifications and formalities of exchange-traded options. Such an option can expire on...
An exotic option (also called compound option) in which a call option is made on a put option, whereby giving...
An exotic option (specifically a single-payout option) that makes payments based on the logarithm of the price of its underlying...
An exotic option, and a variant on range option, which combines the features of both barrier and digital options, though...
An exotic option whose payout is equal to the value of the underlying asset if the price of the asset...
An exotic option which offers a guaranteed payout if the underlying breaks through a preset price/rate at a specific point...
An option to exercise on a bundle of long forwards (forwards owned or purchased). The forwards have a maturity date...
An exotic option (specifically a type of an either-or option or an alternative option) whose payoff is based on the...