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Exotic Double Barrier Option

A double barrier option that has yet additional non-standard features (as compared with standard double barrier options), including step double...

Exotic Cliquet

A cliquet (cliquet option) (an exotic equity derivative) that has additional (exotic) elements and features (as opposed to a vanilla...

Equity Range Note

An exotic derivative which constitutes a range note on a stock or stock index where the payout depends on the...

Non-Standard Swap

A swap that has additional or more complicated features as to a vanilla swap (standard swap). Non-standard swaps are designed...

Exotic Swap

A swap that has additional or more complicated features as to a vanilla swap (standard swap). Exotic swaps are designed...

OTC Option

An option that trades over the counter rather than on a formal exchange. As such, the trading parties involves directly,...

Exotic Barrier Option

A barrier option whose barrier has non-standard (exotic) features. Examples of exotic barrier options include: digital barrier options, step barrier...

Exotic Option

A category of options which trade over the counter and have unusual features including complicated components and complex payoffs. They...


The greeks of exotic derivatives- such as exotic options, exotic swaps, etc. Greexotics (or exotic greeks) measure the sensitivity of...

Exotic Greeks

The greeks of exotic derivatives- such as exotic options, exotic swaps, etc. Exotic greeks measure the sensitivity of exotic derivatives...