A trading algorithm that is used by electronic traders to target a specific order execution volume in line with the...
A ratio that relates the implied volatility of a security to its recent historical volatility: Volatility ratio = implied volatility...
A directional strategy that is deployed by high frequency traders, both as providers and users of liquidity, in the lookout...
The process whereby an order searches all available venues for the best price (whether best bid or best offer). This...
The market liquidity that is created by means of off-exchange trading such as upstairs markets and electronic trading platforms- i.e.,...
It stands for round-turn rate; the total cost of a commodity transaction. It consists of all bid-ask spreads, exchange fees,...
Trading that involves less risky or riskless securities or secure trading positions. This usually initiates with dumping of risky securities...
The total cost of a commodity transaction. It consists of all bid-ask spreads, exchange fees, the broker's commission (in a...
It stands for risk-on, risk-off; the process of two-way switching between risky and risk-free investments depending on or in reaction...
The process of buying back (or selling back) shares of preferred stock or mutual fund shares by (to) the issuer...